Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Facebook Chat is a trap.

Here's the deal. I'm not a girly-girl. Don't get me wrong, I love curling my hair, wearing makeup, buying shoes (granted, they're Converse and not Gucci) and squealing at high octaves when seeing friends. But, when it comes to relationships, I very much have a "boy" brain. Maybe this is why most of my friends hold off on talking to me about their relationships until they're ready to accept the cold hard truth. Luckily, (well, for your reading pleasure - not for my own sanity) there are some people out there who are unaware of my general pessimism and love for the book "He's Just Not That Into You".

Which brings me to the inspiration behind tonight's blog post. I have this friend acquaintance friend's ex-girlfriend who keeps bombarding me on Facebook to...Well, honestly, I'm not quite sure what she wants. At first, it sounded as if she was asking for advice about what to do to get him back or if there was even a chance. Then, she got me after some big talk they had (via Facebook, so we're, like, 16 again), she was telling me about how "she blew it with him." Honey, you didn't blow it. You never had it. I told her the guy is a selfish asshole and she's better off without it. Move on, sweetie. Her response? It would be so much better if he were an asshole, then it would be easier. He's not an asshole because he keeps apologizing for hurting me! **blink, blink** Is she serious? I kind of want to photocopy the pages to chapter 8: "he's just not that into you if he's breaking up with you" and mail them to her. Or maybe just the title page because it is all right there in the heading.

What am I saying? I don't really know. Perhaps I should make sure that every guy who is slightly interested in me reads this book. Maybe I just want to make sure that every female out there HAS read this book. Maybe that would prevent me from having to be bitchy mcbitcherson all of the time. Or from being told "Yeah, but..." There is no "but." We are the rule, not the exception.

Now onto me praising this book. I've been friends with lots of guys through the years. This book nails each and every one of them right on the freaking head. Guys are not complicated. Girls are complicated. Guys don't "mean" things, they say what they mean. Girls are complicated. Guys will make it known whether they're into you. Girls are complicated. The sooner everyone gets this and lives it, the better my life will be.

Miss me, love me, call me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Preaching to the choir.