Monday, May 3, 2010

BLOG post # 2 and still apologizing!

SOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry for my extended absence! I see we still have a WHOPPING 4 "followers" who have immensely missed my take on everyday life situations.

What happened was, I recently acquired a new male roommate. His name is Flesh Colored Beard (from hear on out he will be refereed to as FCB). I've had 8 different roommates in my time- all female. 3 out of 8 of my ex- roommates and my relationship have ended greatly! We're still friends and sometimes chat on g-chat and ask each other about our boyfriends. The other 5 out of 8 of my ex-roommate's and I's relationship have ended with sobs and/or law suits, but I've matured since then and am no longer bitter. (BUNCH OF FUCKING COWS!).

ANYWAY, the point is, the fact that all my roommates were female and had full access to my computer never caused a problem. I give FCB my password and less than a week later, i have a virus that eats through all my computer shit. (Sorry for using the technical terms. I'm what some might call a computer guru and I get carried away with the computer language.) I tried to explain to FCB that, just like in real life, when dealing with shady people/websites, one MUST be careful and use the proper protection or else you WILL get pregnant and die. Well, FCB did not heed my advice and so my computer died.

But I'm back on track now (CAN I GET A WHOOP WHOOP!) and am ready to continue BLOGging.

Peace in the Middle East, mother fuckers!

Preacher loves you and you're porn-obsessed roommate.

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