Saturday, June 26, 2010

I hate Monopoly, but love The Beatles.

Holy balls. Maverick and Preacher suck. Obviously. And stupid work is not only getting in my way of my blogger status, but also draining any and all creativity. But, as I was driving home today, I thought, OMG, my one reader must be wondering what is going on in my world. I should start thinking of ideas of what to write for when I get home. So, here are some stories about my life these days.

A few days ago I got drunk. And I don't mean a little drunk, I mean I don't remember the majority of the night drunk. In fact, as I was driving to work the next AFTERNOON, I listened to "Alejandro" by Lady Gaga on repeat. And started texting various friends that it was the "best fucking song fucking ever." Then, I get to work and walk up to one of my staff members and get too close for comfort and scream-whisper at her "I think I'm still drunk."

At work, we often do themes for the day, where everyone's name changes to go along with the theme. My staff had already decided that that day's them was going to be board games. Furthermore, they had decided that my themed name would be Monopoly. Well, I freaking hate Monopoly. And I let my emotions known. I started yelling, rather loudly, "I HATE MONOPOLY" repeatedly until they agreed to change my name. Okay, Dragon Slayer, what board game do you want to be? "MAAALLLL MADNESS!!!!" Well, in the normal world, this would have been a completely legit answer. But, in the world in which you work with a bunch of kids who were born in the 90's, this is apparently appalling. No one knew what the hell Mall Madness is. The 10 year old in me was screaming at the top of her lungs. So, I was told I couldn't be Mall Madness because I was the only one who knew what it was. This didn't appease me. I just screaming "I HATE MONOPOLY" repeatedly until they changed my name to shut me up.

But, seriously, I hate Monopoly.

This discrepancy in age is often a problem at work. Although, I don't think it is only the age thing. There is something in the water in this town they grew up in. Granted, I grew up in the city directly next to this city, but the differences between what me and my friends are into compared to them is astounding. They make fun of Twitter non-stop. This is crazy to me. They're never on Facebook. Hellllooooo, I think we already know how I feel about that. They don't like Classic Rock.

This last part has caused me, on several occasions, to get so frustrated that I have to walk away. Today, during a meeting, a colleague of mine said that he gets irritated when a certain staff member works with him because he always listens to "strange, awful" music. We asked what music and his response was "Old The Beatles." He said this with a bitter beer face. My jaw dropped and asked him what the hell was wrong with The Beatles? They're only the greatest/most influential rock band to ever exist. Another colleague, in all seriousness, exclaims, "WHAT ABOUT METALLICA!?"

Don't get me wrong. I enjoy Metallica. A lot. But, they are NOT The Beatles. WHAT KIND OF FUCKED UP EDUCATION DID THESE KIDS GET?

Ugh. I don't even know what to say.


Todd said...

I second my motion that Metallica is not even the best/ most influential metal band of all time.

Anonymous said...

Ew. I agree with your collegue- I hate the Beatles too*. They are an over celebrated boy band. Here is an example of their AWESOME lyric; "1 and 1 and 1 is 3". Wow. They should be on Seseme Street.

*I should admit that I am currently wearing a black and neon pink FAB 4 shirt. BUT only b/c it gives me street cred and i NEED to be loved by the cool hipsters on the street. Oh, and it's slimming.