Sunday, June 13, 2010

Fuck Off England

So here is the thing. I freely admit to being a bandwagoner when it comes to soccer and the World Cup. Beckham and Rooney are the only soccer players I could pick out of a line up.

BUT... if there are two thins that I really love it's America and sports. This combination is why every four years I give a damn about the long jump or mens gymnastics. I love the stars and stripes, and the World Cup is no exception.

So of course I was bathed in patriotic pride to watch us take on England. We really did it up right. Red white and blue beads, visors, leys, face painting... And one guy from the group really took it to the next level. Fu man choo, army belt buckle, FDNY hat and the American flag wrapped around him. God bless.

Oh, I should also note that I was drinking with a lot of politics grad students, which meant our bashing of England ranged from common (England fucks dirty dirty whores and probably has syphilis) to the nerdy (coalition governments can't rule efficiently). At one point I may or may not have recited the Declaration of Independence while standing on a table with a beer in my hand. That's just how America rolls.

At one point, because the bar was so packed they ran out of buckets to do buckets of beer so we went next door to the 99 cent store AND BOUGHT OUR OWN. Even then, getting to the bar to get drinks was a nightmare, so Mr. Fu Man Choo went out, bought us some 6 packs, and smuggled them back in UNDER THE AMERICAN FLAG.

The game itself was unreal. We were at an English Pub, so the fan base was split evenly, and to be a part of such energy between the "come on England" chants and the responding "fuck off England" chants was electrifying. The crowd outside the pub was 4 deep onto the sidewalk trying to catch a glimpse of the action.

It was awesome.

I leave you with this. It captures the sentiment nicely:


dragon slayer said...

cars and freedom. amazing. U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!

Anonymous said...

Why can't we post pictures as comments? DRAGON SLAYER!!!!!!! FIX THIS! I'm trying to support Maverick with a picture I made and I can't even give it to her!

dragon slayer said...

impossible. maybe you should quit being such a slacker and post your OWN post and include it.