Saturday, April 24, 2010

Preacher takes the pulpit

I would like to welcome my self to this very INCLUSIVE* club of only the super-ist bad ass people in the world. At least that's what Dragon Slayer, formerly known as The Beloved, try to convince me of when she signed me on to this BLOG.

First of all, let me just say that although it's cool for my generation to be computer savvy and know what the fuck they're doing on the internet, I, unfortunately, have never been what the kids consider "cool". In fact, I'm typing this BLOG post in my gmail window becauseI can't figure out how to post it on the BLOG. (Is BLOG supposed to be in all caps or am I being over dramatic?) Dragon Slayer tried to text me through it, but I got frustrated and decided to type in familiar settings now and CUT AND PASTE it into the BLOG window later. That's the extent of my computer knowledge- CUT, COPY***, and PASTE.

What I'm trying to say is my first post to this BLOG is more of an apology. I'm sorry for my shitty grammar. I'm sorry for my excessive use of quotation marks and to a lesser extent my over use of commas. Lastly (and most certainly leastly), I'm sorry for offering those little trick or treaters floss and toothpaste while selfishly pouring an entire bag of M&M's down my throat even though I hate M&M's...twice.

*I see there are only 4 "followers" of this BLOG, 3 of which are "contributors".
**I save the COPY option exclusively for when I'm trying to plagiarize someone else's more intelligent/already edited work.

Preacher loves you and your whore of a mother.

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