Thursday, April 15, 2010

I'm too old for this shit

Tuesday night I was watching some great season 4 HIMYM and the premise of the particular episode was creating a Murtaugh list of things you're too old to do. Think Lethal Weapon and Officer Murtaugh constantly saying "I'm too old for this shit." My point for telling you this is that the episode was a fantastic foreshadowing to my Wednesday night/Thursday morning.

I spent today hungover at work. And I'm too old for this shit.

Sure, drinking a tower of beer while bowling and following it up with bottles of wine at the cheesiest place in Manhattan (Red Lobster at Time Square), was fun in the moment. The problem is that the moment passes and then you're choking back nausea sucking on a Pedialyte Popsicle trying to rehydrate. Let's face it, having your boss tell you not to puke near her because she'd give it up too... not the way to fast track your career to the executive office.

There was a time when getting too drunk for your own good on a Wednesday night was acceptable (college). There was also a time when hangovers the next day didn't suck so damn much or take so long to get over. I already feel like I'm 50 when in reality I'm only half way there.

But I'm still too for this shit... not that that's going to stop me.

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