Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hide yo kids, hide yo wife.

UGH. If only I had someone who followed me around and dictated my thoughts and random comments, this blog would be THE BOMB. And Toddles would be like "awesome! new blog post!" Um, PS Toddles, you should start commenting so that Preacher and Maverick don't think I'm making up this lone reader who keeps "requesting" me to keep posting...

So, I was driving home tonight and I started writing my blog post in my head and, as I was chuckling to myself, I thought: shit, I better remember all of this!

Haha, well, FUCK YOU, DRAGON SLAYER! I don't remember any of it.

But, let's talk about things that happened at the bar last night.

My friend and I sat down next to an older couple. I will not even apologize for my mad eavesdropping skills. Actually, I don't even feel like I should have to apologize because hell, if you're going to be in public and talk loudly, you should expect people like me to be listening and judging you. Anyway, back to this couple. The guy is CLEARLY trying to impress the hell out of this lady, because the first thing I notice him saying is: "listen, I'm really smart." What. the. fuck. Who says that? As the conversation wears on, we could tell the lady was getting less and less amused, which of course meant that the guy was trying harder and harder. Until, it finally got to the point where this guy was legitimately "witnessing" to her. Except, it was actually a sermon. And I think I heard something about he hoping the Good Lord would still accept her. Or something.

But, as for the more exciting things happening in my life, I'm in the midst of packing up all of my worldly belongings (like my I Love Lucy shot glasses and my original Nintendo) to move. Let's talk about how much I'm looking forward to leaving the city that is apparently second in consumption of Ed Hardy attire (this assertion very well could be wrong, but regardless, f this town and f Ed Hardy). I'm headed back to law/grad school, so be prepared for more lonely nights without a post from Dragon Slayer. And, start looking forward to excuses about studying and reading and being too damned important to worry about writing.

Wow, being hungover really zaps me of humor. Who was that famous guy who said: "Write drunk, edit sober?" According to Google, it was Hemingway. Well, Ernest Hemingway, you are a damned genius.

Since, I'm hungover, I will leave you with this: